NTC Profesionální stavební technika


Here you will find the latest information from the world of professional light construction equipment, which is constantly evolving and innovating. We want to keep you informed about important events, new technologies and trends in the industry so that you are always up to date and don't miss anything important.

NTC Profesionální stavební technika

Company-wide holiday 2024

On July 29 - August 2, 2024, we will have a company-wide vacation and most of the company will be closed.

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NTC Profesionální stavební technika


Paver roller

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NTC Profesionální stavební technika

Company closure due to the Christmas holidays

Due to the Christmas holidays, our company will be closed from December 22, 2023 to January 7, 2024.

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NTC Profesionální stavební technika

Inventories 2023

Limited operation from 21.11. until 30.11.2023

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NTC Profesionální stavební technika

Exhibition in Slovakia organized by CEG

We participated in a exhibition organized by our Slovak partner, the company CEG - Central European Group s.r.o.

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NTC Profesionální stavební technika

Exhibition Ergo.tec Greece 2023

A new era for construction machinery exhibitions in Greece, this is Ergo.tec 2023

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NTC Profesionální stavební technika

NTC on Bauma 2022

Please accept our warm invitation to the prestigious international trade fair for construction machines and technology, Bauma 2022...

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