Super heavyweight reversible vibratory plates over 500 kg.
The Queen series, the crown jewel of our guided vibratory plates range. Despite the high performance comparable to large soil rollers, these machines retain their elegance, compact dimensions and great maneuvering potential.
Unbridled performance at your fingertips
The Queen of power
QUEEN series reversible plates are our the most powerful hand guided vibratory plates. The compaction effect of these machines reaches a depth of over one meter.
These machines achieve a compaction performance comparable to the performance of a 25-ton soil rollers. Do you plan to compact highly exposed areas, ensure a high level of base stability and appreciate easy and inexpensive maintenance? These are synonyms for this series of reverse vibration plates. The power of these machines will ensure the best compaction effect.

500 + kg
75 kN
Centrifugal force
68 Hz